Monday, 17 June 2013

Room 4's Space Adventure

We are learning about space and we decided that it would be fun to make up our own space story.  We worked with our talking buddies (we get a new one each week) to draw a picture and make up a space adventure.  Come and read our adventures on Room 4's window.

James and Nora

Devin and Dino

Charlotte and Lucy

Ollie, Pace and Artus

Tate and Jett

Hugo and Katie

Web License

Room 4 got their web licenses last week.  We had to answer questions about being safe on the internet. You could click on the link below and try it at home.

Web License

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Yesterday Room 4 and Room 7 planted shrubs for Arbor Day.  We sang to our plants so they could grow strong and healthy.

Arbor Day Room 4 & 7 from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013


We've been learning about position in Room 4.  We watched 'Where's the Monkey?' (check out the link to your right), we went out to the big kids playground and found places that were underneath, between, on top of, behind... and then we used our extra big classroom (Room 5 and 6) and gave our friends instructions, that included position words, for where to put a cube.  See if you can guess what the instruction was for each photo.