Sunday 24 February 2013

Seeds 2

Our seeds have started to grow and we've had another think about what they will grow into.  We also watched a video of chickens hatching out of eggs, not seeds.

These are the changes we saw...

What we think the seeds will grow in to now...

Seed Observations from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.

Seeds 2 from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.


  1. Really enjoyed your videos. We are all growing and in very different ways. Plants grow to reach light. Animals grow to become bigger and stronger. I wonder how fast your seeds are growing? How could you test to see if they indeed are reaching for the light.

    1. Thank you for your comment Mr Barker. Our plant that is growing from the small seed is leaning towards the window. We turned it around to see if it will move back towards the window again.

  2. I really enjoyed listening to your observations. You all used a lot of very specific words. Where did you learn about those words? Do you have a word wall in your class?


  3. Hi Room 4 Super Stars,

    We like all those descriptive words about the bean pods. We hope your beans turn in to trees, bushes, flowers or a bean stalk.

    Theo and Ulycess
