Wednesday 20 March 2013

St Joseph's Performance At The Library

On Friday we walked up to the Grey Lynn Library to watch some St Joseph's School children perform.
We thought they were very talented singers, dancers and musicians.

St Joseph's Performance from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.

Thank you St Joseph's From Room 4

I like your band.  Artus

Thank you for playing the ukulele because you play so well.  Ollie

Thank you for the music.  You are really good.  Lucy

I liked your singing.  Enzo

Thank you for singing the music.  Maia

Thank you for dancing.  Nora

Thank you for letting us come and watch.  Dino

Thank you for inviting us.  One

I likes the ukuleles.  Ziggy

Thank you St Joseph's.  You are the best school band.  Pace


  1. Wow Room 5 you were so lucky to watch a great performance from our neighboring school. You are right-they are great musicians.

  2. Talofa Room 5 and I must say the walk to our local library was well work it. The kids did a great job and younwere all fantastic at being focused! Who took the photos - some great snaps. From Otalani
