Monday 8 April 2013

Photos by Bosco and MJ

A new responsibility in Room 4 is class photographer.  The photographer's job is to take photos of what is happening in Room 4 and Puriri team.  We all had a practise with the cameras and learned how to hold them and take photos without moving the camera.

Bosco and MJ were our first class photographers.  Leave a comment and let them know what you think of their photos.

Puriri Sports by Bosco from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.

MJ Room 4 Photographer from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.


  1. Awesome job MJ!!

  2. Fantastic photos MJ!

  3. Talofa MJ,
    Wow what great shots MJ. I can tell that you held the camera nice and steady! Keep up the good work. From Otalani
