Tuesday 3 March 2015

Responsible Room 7

We are responsible students who do our jobs independently in the morning.

We hang up our bag.

We put our reading book in our book box.

We put our book bag away.

We sign in.

We hang our hat up. 

We move our name to the 'I am here wall'.

We keep our hands and feet to ourselves.


  1. Hi room 7
    Its Elizabeth i like that you are all doing great things, like in your class room hope you
    all have good day today.

  2. great job room 7 by pete

  3. Hi Rm 7,
    You guys are all very responsible hanging up your bags, signing in, putting your reading book back in the box, moving you name to the I am here wall and sitting down with your arms and legs folded!!! And your only in year 1!! Well done!!!
    From Emma
    Rm 10
