Monday 24 September 2012

Friday Afternoon Fun With Room 6

We had a great afternoon in the sun. After production practise we spent the rest of the afternoon painting and drawing American icons.

Friday painting from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.

Saturday 22 September 2012

Room 3 Super Heros

At Puriri Assembly this week 5 Room 3 children received certificates for being Puriri Super Heros.  They had all shown that they were working hard and displaying the school values of Responsibilitty, Resilience and Respect.

Reuben - showing respect for others by sitting sensibly on the mat.

George - showing respect for others by being polite and helpful.

Finn - showing resilience by doing his Kid Pix pattern three times to get it right.

Charlie - being a responsible class member and tidying up after himself and others.

Jozier - being responsible and doing his morning jobs by himself.

Mr Barker's Chair

We visited Mr Barker's chair in the forest, for the first time, this week with Room 6.  We thought it was so exciting we went back for another visit by ourselves.

 I slipped and I had to hold onto a branch.  Jozier

Mr Barker's tree was very hard and you couldn't break it.  Charlie

I liked walking through the forest because it was a little bit dark.  Finn

I liked Nikki taking a photo of us.  Remy

I want to give Mr Barker our big green chair because the one down in the bushes is too cold.  William

 I liked sitting on Mr Barker's chair because I got slime on my bottom.  Sienna

Mr Barker's chair was not really soft.  Megh

Mr Barker's chair looked like the tree was cut down.  Charlotte

Mr Barker's chair is a little bit grey.  Arlo

I liked sitting on the chair because it's Mr Barker's.  Reuben

I loved it when Enzo and I sat on Mr Barker's chair because we had it all to ourselves.  George

Mr Barker's chair isn't very soft.  Enzo


We have been learning about tall, long and short in the classroom by making playdough worms, block and lego towers and sorting gingerbread men.  It was a beautiful day so we decided to find out how tall/long we are.  First we lay down on the concrete and got a buddy to draw around us with chalk and then we chose something from the classroom to measure our outlines.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Dance Rehearsal on the Big Stage

Congratulations William!

William is the first student from Room 3 to receive a merit certificate at assembly.

He has been resilient while working on forming the letters in his name correctly.

Monster Recipes

After reading Monstersaurus we created our own monster recipes.

Charlie’s Dragon Monster Recipe

Gently pour in purple, blue and yellow dye.

Sprinkle in 100,000,000 seeds.

Slowly pour in PVA glue.

Scrunch and put in 4 bits of plain paper.

Throw in the papers from an old calendar.

Tip in fire.


Bright sparks will flash and you will have a fire breathing dragon monster.

Sienna’s Rainbow Monster Recipe

Smash in fluff from the old fluff factory.

Pour in green milk.

Squish in chocolate cake.

Pour in chocolate milk.


A rainbow monster will fizz out of the pot.

Enzo’s Fly Monster Recipe

Pour in 100 pieces of green goo.

Gently put in 6 long squiggly shapes.

Drop in 2 dead crocodile mouths.

Drop in 4 pieces of rosemary.

Put a net full of hundreds and hundreds of flies over the pot so they fly in.


A fly monster will start to fly then jump out of the pot.

George’s Flying Monster Recipe

Chuck in 10 old fairies.

Drop in 1 skeleton.

Throw in 5 small bees.

Toss in 13 smallish, blue whiteboard markers.


A Flying monster will fizz out of the mixture.

Jozier’s Dust Monster Recipe

Shovel in dust from the old dust factory.

Crack in 100 stinky old eggs.

Shovel 1,000,000 black and yellow bees then throw the shovel in.

Chuck in adults teeth I borrowed from Spenser.

Throw in 5 toy trains.


Dust will flick out like a helicopter and turn into a dust monster.

Finn’s Scribble Monster Recipe

Chuck in 500 colourful beans.

Throw in 10 empty water bottles.

Flick in 600,000,000 teeny tiny trees.

Throw in 2 speakers.


A scribble monster will fizz out of the pot.

William’s Huntsman Monster Recipe

Slob in orange and burgundy paint.

Splash in a clock

Throw in yellow and red triangles.

Slob in 100,000,000 tubes of toothpaste.

Throw in blue slob from the $2 shop.


Fire will jump out of the pot and the Huntsman monster will jump out when he’s finished drinking.

Reuben’s Colourful Monster Recipe

Splash in yellow, blue and green paint.

Throw in 6 red tomatoes.

Splat in a rainbow.

Drip in 600 handfuls of green slime.


Your colourful monster will drip out of the pot.

Our Very Own Monsters

We all invented our own monster.  We chose a name, described what it looked like and decided if it was a good monster or a bad monster and gave a reason why.  Then we drew our monsters on the computer using Kid Pix.

Monday 10 September 2012

Monster Madness!

We had a week of monstersaurous fun in Room 3.

We did monster maths, drew monsters in pastels and on the computer with Kid Pix, created our own monsters to write about and created recipes on how to make different monsters.

Here is a taste of what we did.
 Sienna and Reuben playing monster number and tally mark memory
 William and George playing a monster counting game
 Charlie's playdough monster
 Sneaky monsters

Scary monsters

Drain Monsters!

 Watch out there are drain monsters living in the drain outside Room 3. 

The dark, dark drain monster lives in the drain outside our classroom. 

When it rains and the courts turn into an ocean and the drain is a waterfall, the drain monster drips out and splashes back together.

Room 3 & Cohen and Lucius from Room 4

Tree the drain monster always eats paper and my homework.


Enzo the drain monster is a mouse.  She eats cheese.  When it rains she goes under the sand.


All the drain monsters flew out of the drain and splashed on our heads.


The drain monster was playing in my driveway.  He took all of my food and took my dinner.


Housemat and Belly live in the drain.


The drain monster doesn’t want to come out of the drain because it is raining.


The train carries the people to the party.  They yell, “Come out drain monster!  Come out drain monster!”


The drain monster never, ever comes out of the drain.  It’s scared of the light.


Week 8, Term 3

Sunday 2 September 2012

Week 7, Term 3


We are Team USA so we have been very busy leaning about American icons.  We've also been busy practising our dance moves.

These photos are a sneak peak from our production movie.

 Working in groups with our friends from Room 6 to sort photos into two categories, New Zealand and the United States of America.

 Practising our dance on the painted stage.

Jozier singing The Star Spangled Banner with Mikki and Devin from Room 6.
"Oh say can you see..."

Sienna's signing The Pledge of Allegiance.