Monday 10 September 2012

Drain Monsters!

 Watch out there are drain monsters living in the drain outside Room 3. 

The dark, dark drain monster lives in the drain outside our classroom. 

When it rains and the courts turn into an ocean and the drain is a waterfall, the drain monster drips out and splashes back together.

Room 3 & Cohen and Lucius from Room 4

Tree the drain monster always eats paper and my homework.


Enzo the drain monster is a mouse.  She eats cheese.  When it rains she goes under the sand.


All the drain monsters flew out of the drain and splashed on our heads.


The drain monster was playing in my driveway.  He took all of my food and took my dinner.


Housemat and Belly live in the drain.


The drain monster doesn’t want to come out of the drain because it is raining.


The train carries the people to the party.  They yell, “Come out drain monster!  Come out drain monster!”


The drain monster never, ever comes out of the drain.  It’s scared of the light.


1 comment:

  1. I have been at the school for 13 years and I have not seen the drain monster. It must be really shy. I have seen lots of water go into the drain - perhaps the drain monster gets really thirsty and motions the water to the drain. I hope the drain monster can swim.
