Sunday 16 September 2012

Dance Rehearsal on the Big Stage


  1. Hello Room 3,

    Great to see you so excited. Well done those of you who are facing the audience!

  2. Talofa Room 3,
    Love the photo on the bus and how cool that on your first few days, weeks at school you get to be part of some hard out fun. I am very proud that I can see big arm actions, and remember keep looking to the front. See you soon for the next dance session. From Room 6 and Otalani

  3. The photos of you guys on the bus are fantastic. Great to see you all having such a neat time.
    I am really looking forward to seeing your performance on the night, Good luck and enjoy and don't forget to look at the audience....your parents.

  4. HELLO ROOM 3!
    So cool to see all your smiling faces at the dance rehersal. It's great that you are having so much fun on the stage! I can't wait to see you all on production night.

  5. Wow!!! You guys look awesome!! We're really excited about seeing you all dancing on Wednesday!!! Francine and Alastair (Charlotte's mum and Dad), Ollie and Sammy
