Wednesday 18 February 2015

Counting Down From 20

Counting Down From 20 from Nikki Brass on Vimeo.


  1. Anyone else felt like shouting happy new year at the end of this?!

  2. Hi Room7,
    Wow what amazing counting 20 is a big number.
    Great dance moves room 7 you guys did really big actions.
    Looks like you had heaps of fun.

    From Briarn...

  3. Hi Rm 7
    Wow you can count to 20 at that age. Wow I can't remember if I could, I don't think I could. You guys are amazing!? I am so glad I am your buddy class you are so smart cause 20 is a big number!! :-)
    From Emma :-)

  4. Hi Room7,
    Great dancing!!!!!
    I love all your big moves.
    Alexandra rm10
